Listen, you just suck at RuneScape, so why bitch about it sucking? Honestly it was a hell of a lot more fun than this POS.
Also, I'd like to see you make an in-browser, 3D MMORPG, a-hole. See how easy that crap is. Honestly, its not that bad of a game, you just suck at it. and at flash as well.
I've looked at some of your reviews and I'm gonna take a guess that you got banned from RS at least once and decided to complain about it.
"Everyone gets banned" you said. Not everyone, just the douches mostly. Which is probably why it included you.
Learn how to make pictures of people without displaced teeth, and go screw yourself.
hahahha. I love angry fanboys. they're so easy to piss off.
Whats also funny is that your major points are completely invalid.
1: "Listen, you just suck at Runescape"
It takes a complete idiot to suck at runescape, yet it takes a certain amount of maturity (which you haven't seemed to reach yet) to realize the game is complete shit and a waste of time.
2: "Honestly it was a hell of a lot more fun than this POS."
The difference is, this is meant to be humorous to former/current players, and takes a fraction of the time to finish than Runescape itself (which everyone, arguably, will finish someday.)
3: "Also, I'd like to see you make an in-browser, 3D MMORPG, a-hole."
Really? How many times has that been done? That would be such an unoriginal idea I would have to give myself a frontal lobotomy to continue. Just because it follows those characteristics doesn't make it a "good" game. In-fact, the entire MMORPG genre, both browser-based and installed completely consists of utter time-killing shit.
4: "I'm gonna take a guess that you got banned from RS at least once and decided to complain about it."
I've never had a main account of mine banned, and there is actually no "complaining" going on in this Flash video/game at all.
5: "'Everyone gets banned' you said. Not everyone, just the douches mostly. Which is probobly why it included you."
A: I had a combat level 78 account that I used for 20 months that I eventually sold to a friend for $50. Not one blackmark graced upon that character I'm afraid to say.
B: Everyone does get banned, though, yet that depends on how you define banning. Yes, there is the actual term in regards to Jagex pulling the plug on a character, but then there is the mental ban. The good ban. The ban that says "Hey, I've wasted enough time on this stupid game, I better stop before it consumes my life." I've banned myself in this sense. I will never return to Runescape (much in the same way you will never watch this Flash again).
6: "Learn how to make pictures of people without displaced teeth, and go screw yourself"
Make a Flash and send me the URL. I made the face intentionally disfigured for a sense of comical relief. You know very well that the toothy nerd very closely resembles yourself.
I would screw myself yet I'm currently in the process of fornicating with thou mother.
It's a fairly fun game, being a mix of slider puzzles and some... other... thing...
anyway, it's pretty fun.
Well, I am no good at flash, but am willing to do voice overs for any project on NG. Just PM me, and I'll hook up with you on Skype so we can talk about the project and what I've got to do.